Italian composers purportedly began to write music with the partly amateur northern European market in mind. Amateur musicians were apparently eager to acquire new sheet music they could play, and scholar Michael Talbot described how this contributed to composers from Italy commencing a "flight to Amsterdam" to have their works published by Roger so they could profit from the sale of their music: Roger's commercial success was not only due to the new technology he used, but also was the result of increased consumer demand and the wide network of selling agents he had developed throughout Europe. Roger favored the engraved method of printing, a process which was more pleasing to the eye, more flexible, and better suited for short runs than the movable system of printing favored by most publishers in Italy during this time. 3 was published by Estienne Roger, an Amsterdam publisher who apparently revolutionized European music publishing during the eighteenth century. Although Vivaldi sold much of his music through commissioned manuscripts, he also gained some profit from the printed sales of his compositions. Dedications often were a way to try to gain the favor (and financial support) of prominent patrons. 3 to the Grand Prince Ferdinando of Tuscany. Vivaldi helped establish the three movement form of the concerto, as well as inner features of the movements. Prior to Vivaldi, many elements of the concerto were not standardized.

The accompaniment for a concerto typically is an orchestra. A concerto is an instrumental composition for solo instrument(s), and is often structured in three movements with the sequence fast-slow-fast. Vivaldi was particularly renowned for his contributions to the development of the concerto form. Vivaldi wrote an estimated 500 instrumental concertos, and approximately 40 of these concertos were double concertos (for two solo instruments). Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) composed his violin concerto for two violins, Op.